Sense Títol

The International conference in Rome

Rome, 11th – 12th April, 2019

The International conference “Territorial Impact Assessment of Territorial Cohesion in Italy and Europe”  is organized starting from the results of the Italian National Research Project (2017-2019) “Territorial Impact Assessment of the territorial cohesion in Italian regions. Place evidence model for assessing policies devoted to green economy in inner and metropolitan peripheries”.

The Conference will submit to a large audience a critical review emerged by an ex-ante evaluation (status quo at 2018) of Italian Territorial Cohesion, obtained from four main determinants (dominions): smart, sustainable, inclusive growth (Europe Strategy 2020 pillars and flags) and funds spending. To applicate the STeMA Territorial Impact Assessment methodology (Sustainable Territorial Environmental/Economic Management Approach – Prezioso, 2006, 2011, 2018), the research selected 73 representative indicators; they have been covered and mapped at NUTS 2 and NUTS 3 levels in Italy, within new 7 Systemic Regional Functional Typologies for the territorialisation of spatial data.

PPT – New (economic) geographical narratives and place-based responses (by Laurent Frideres – ESPON EGTC)